
Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua (THoNR) was founded in 1999 and is now a well-established Health and Social Service provider in the Wairau and Motueka regions.  THoNR is funded to deliver a suite of services funded by the following entities.
Ministry of Social Development (Elder Abuse Response) Te Whatu Ora (Hapū Māmā, Kaumātua and Tangata Whaikaha Support Programme, Rongoa Māori, Immunisation Coordination Services & Primary Care Kaiāwhina support - Motueka region) Oranga Tamariki (Social Service support) Te Putahitanga (Whanau Ora Navigator & Tū Pono Services)

Please see our website for more information.

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Te Hauora O Ngati Rarua
Whānau Ora
Te Ao Māori

Te Hauora O Ngati Rarua

Wairau - Marlborough


Each year we welcome applications from individuals, whānau, community groups and businesses who want to run an initiative or programme that will support them and their hapori.